Sunday, December 28, 2014

My last

If the sun told you tomorrow
That I breathed my last yesterday
What would you do
If you knew that I was the one always what would you do
If you knew that crumpled hearts and faded eyes were never a feeling of gloom but love then what would you do
What would you do if you knew that the reasons you were so fighting were wrong always
What would you do if deep down you knew that your fight was for namesake
What would you do to know that sometimes it doesn't hurt to accept to agree and not dissuade
What would you do when you knew that the person was actually right when he said he was right
What would you do when the doing becomes so late that then the doing never matters
What would you do with a moon when the night itself stands extinguished
What would you do when loneliness smiles cause that's what we made it to be
What would you do if water could not move the routes it naturally could have flowed what would you do if winds now were forced to turn
What would you do if the doing too does not count anymore
What would you do if someone wants death
What would you do if damage was a reason to live
When sun scathed and eyes swayed
What would you do if you knew that yesterday I breathed my last

1 comment:

You are important and whatever you do think counts a lot to me.Do empty your head.
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