Monday, April 27, 2009


Captured for
Osculating in a
Nation where
Itself was a
Never used
Nativity bound to
Tenacious captivity

Written for the word CONFINEMENT
for the site

Acrostic Only

I have tried to capture the agony undergone by people stuck up in nations where free speech.equality,expression is all but a distant dream.
And how in such a country even a small gesture of love,such as kissing can lead to immense punishments such as CONFINEMENT.
My try at freedom



  1. Ah too good a try and laconic too Kudos!

  2. You did quite well with this -- the message is clear. Thank you for joining the fun, and I am looking forward to reading more of your acrostics.

  3. very true man...too gud...keep writing...

  4. Hi Hasha,
    Congratulation! I am happy to announce that your poem was chosen as “Honorable Mentions” in our "Best Weekly Acrostic" contest. Your acrostic is amazing, and I certainly appreciate your participation.

  5. @Winnie the poohi
    Thanx dear.

    Its great fun Amias.I 2 am on d bandwagon now;)

    Thanx bhai,u liked it.

    Are wah bhai p bhai.
    Thanx yar

    THANX Amias.
    I was sceptical while writin because I actually dnt know how to write an acrostic.
    This was infact my second.
    Cudnt join your workshop due to certain constraints.
    So,watever comments you people exchanged,was the source of my learnings.
    Thanx again to all for teaching me.
    Wud try better next tym.


  6. Very powerful poem - congratulations for receiving Honorable Mention.


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